Looking for a mini-mash or extract w/ specialty hefeweizen

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Nov 17, 2007
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I'm looking to do my 2nd beer ever as my primary will become free later today. I've been searching the forums but I can only seem to find AG recipes of people just referencing getting beer kits. The kits my LHBS sell are only full extract. So, can anyone point me in the right direction or toss up a recipe?
I have a thread on here too about converting extract recipe to all grain. It's a blood orange hefeweizen from "Extreme Brewing". It's a very good beer and pretty simple recipe, but the oranges do complicate it slightly. Here's the recipe:

6.6lbs Light Liquid Wheat Extract (55%wheat/45%barley)
1/2oz Hallertau 60min
1/2oz Saaz 20min
1/2oz Hallertau 10min
4 averaged size blood oranges (place cubed meat from oranges, and the zest from half of the peels in pot with 1/2gal water. bring to 160 degrees F and turn off heat. Let cool and steep for 20min. Add to the primary.)
WLP300 or WLP380
Calls for a 4gal boil, 10day fermentation, 10day bottle condition.

Otherwise, I've made the extract kit from AHS, and it turned out great. It's extract/mini mash with grains, and based on a 2.5gal boil.

5lbs Liquid wheat extract
1lb 4oz Pilsner (2-row) malt
1lb 4oz Red Wheat
8oz Cara-pils
0.75oz Hallertauer 60min
0.25oz Hallertauer 5min
I used WLP380, but WLP300 is great too.

Hollar if you need more info on either recipe.
Thanks everyone!
I snagged the paulaner hefe from Homebrewer_99 and am going to use the Wyeast 3068 for it. I wanted to try a DME batch anyhow to compare with the LME I did last one. I ended up with a liiil scorch on that one but the beer managed to put up with me ok and is doing well hehe.
Well, I need to go to the lhbs today, so I'd prefer just to get stuff there rather than wait on a kit shipped.

I don't know where you live.. but austin homebrew is fast. So far, on my 10+ orders, they always ship out the same day, and I'm in houston, so it's on my doorstep the next morning.

Much easier to me than driving in houston, and it's only $8 shipping.

edit.. hah this is an old thread.. sorry bout that.. found it under similar threads at bottom of page.