NHC HBT Scavenger Hunt

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Ale's What Cures You!
Staff member
HBT Supporter
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
UP/Snowbird in Florida
We decided to have a little fun at NHC. There is going to be a Scavenger Hunt.

Print out this list of questions. During NHC, find the person mentioned and answer the questions or do the task. Turn in your answer sheet to Pappers, Homercidal, or Yooper by Saturday at noon. Winners will be drawn and a few prizes handed out. Also, come up to one of us and say "Hi" and introduce your self, and you may get a little token of appreciation.

Anyway, here are the questions:
1) What beer did Pappers/Jim V. brew for the Club Night? Visit the BOSS (Brewers of South Suburbia) table on club night to find out ________________

2) Take a selfie with any of the moderators. Post on HBT if you can, in the Official NHC thread! Best photo gets a prize. __________

3) What is the first letter of Homercidal's wife's name, as well as his kids'? (same letter) ____

4) Where did both John Palmer and Bob go to college? ______________

5) Ask Denny Conn (Denny on this forum) how many cats he owns: _____

6. Take a photo of Bob without his knowledge. Show to a moderator: ____
Does anybody want to know what the prizes are? :cross:

How about a Lifetime Membership for a grand prize?

All entries returned to any of us will go into a drawing, and winner will get a Lifetime Membership. There will be some Supporting Memberships as well, and a few other prizes.

Not only that, but YOU can have your photo taken with Homercidal and that alone is worth playing for. :cross:

I'm in. See you Thursday!

p.s. no IPA - I got busy and haven't dry hopped it yet. I will have my 2 final round pilsners with me though. Maybe some others.
I'm in. See you Thursday!

p.s. no IPA - I got busy and haven't dry hopped it yet. I will have my 2 final round pilsners with me though. Maybe some others.

I really loved your German pilsner and CAP last year, so that sounds great. I would have loved to try your IPA, though! We're not even bringing beer. My current newest IPA (more of an India Red so IRA) is not even dryhopped either. The time just came up so fast this year!

We may get in by noon on Thursday, register and catch a seminar before Sopering out to the pub crawl. I don't have your cell number, so if you PM it to me we can text you when we get in. :ban:

That goes for anybody- if you want to try to have a beer or can't find me for the game, please feel free to PM me for my phone number and we'll make it happen!
I'll be in GR Tuesday evening through Saturday morning. If you want my cell phone number to connect, send me a PM. See you all there!
This hasn't generated many replies, so I'm not sure if it's due to lack of interest or not. I'll have some questionnaire forms with me, for those who are interested.

The mods and I will have small tokens of appreciation with us, so make sure you find us and say "hello"!
Chriso reporting in!

Selfie incoming...

I saw a lot of forum members yesterday!

The very first person I bumped into was Denny. Last night, I went out with Soper, pjj2ba, JimKarr, Homercidal, Randar, MMB, Saccharomyces, and a few more whose HBT IDs escape me right now! We had a great time, and I have photographic evidence of our fun that I may post in the future!

I did see a few of the furtive "Bob" photos, a few selfies, and I know that a couple of folks are nearly done with the Scavenger Hunt already.

Anybody at the NHC come say "Hi" to me at the all-forum meet up today. I'd love to meet you in person!
Several people walked away from the club night with pint glasses and HBT decals.

Pjj2ba was the winner of the hunt- he was very diligent about performing the tasks.

I don't know how many participated exactly and didn't finish the tasks but Denny Conn finally was just saying, "Five. I have 5 cats!" to pretty much anybody who approached him. :D He said if he saw an HBT sticker anywhere on them, he just started talking about his cats.

Thanks to the friends who played along. And it was such an honor to meet so many of you during the conference. Thanks to those who came up and introduced themselves- that was a highpoint for me.
Denny is very cool.

Thanks to to all of you both who participated in the hunt! ;)

I did manage to hand out most of my stickers. Everyone who I offered them to were pretty excited, or seemed to be, so hopefully we will see some new faces on here because of it.

If you got stickers, feel free to post a picture of it wherever you placed it.