Wine and Beer Bottle Hanging Tags.

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Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
HBT Supporter
Dec 11, 2007
Reaction score
"Detroitish" Michigan
After looking all day for hanging tags templates for bottles, I made up one of my own as a MS word Document.


Each tag is approx 2 inches wide, and the text area after the fold is about 5 inches.

I was going to upload the msword doc, but even with all the pics and text blocks removed it still exceeds the limit to just upload here. If someone wants it I guess you could pm me and I'll email you the document. Unless someone has an idea of where to upload it to so I can link it here for anyone.

I don't like to glue labels on, especially since I spend so much time removing them. So I like the idea of a hanging tag that slips over the neck of the bottle and hangs there. I printed it out on thick photopaper. All you need to do is cut them out, cut out the hole for the neck (or just make 2 slits at the cross) and fold it downword.

You just basically need to stick a graphic in each space, and add your own text to the text blocks...Or move stuff around and add your own text boxes wherever you want it.


Here's the links from MoRoToRiUm

What about saving it as a web page from Word, then zipping up the contents - or even compressing the word file? They generally compress quite a bit.
I use someting similar with beer I put up in the cellar. Just a short tag to identify where and when purchased (or brewed) and notes about the fresh product if available.
Good idea revvy!
I use someting similar with beer I put up in the cellar. Just a short tag to identify where and when purchased (or brewed) and notes about the fresh product if available.
Good idea revvy!

They actually look much nicer than the little mini pic I on here. I'm kinda proud of the what I wrote for each one as well. The three things I'm giving my boss are a bottle of my Bourbon Oaked/Smoked Old Bog Road Brown Ale, Poor Richard's Ale, and a year old Apfelwein. Those and a loaf my Jamaican Spiced Rum soaked Banana Bread.
I haven't heard back from Revvy, I'm guessing demand for the templates has subsided. For those of you interested, here they are- Thanks Revvy!



(Sharing with Revvys' consent- Happy Brewing and Happy Holidays!)
I haven't heard back from Revvy, I'm guessing demand for the templates has subsided. For those of you interested, here they are- Thanks Revvy!



(Sharing with Revvys' consent- Happy Brewing and Happy Holidays!)

I was busy at work yesterday and forgot to clear up about whther or not it was okat yo post them in this thread....SO thanks for taking the initiative.

ANd hosting it!
Very interesting concept. Will run it by SWMBO, who makes our labels.

You say you do not like to glue on labels as you spend so much time getting them off. I am using the milk as glue tip I learned here on the forums and can't believe how well milk holds our simple paper labels on and how super easy they come off just running water over them. One of the many things I have quickly learned from the forums.
That seems like a pretty cool idea, I would think you would want to use some sort of card stock? Me thinks regular comp paper would be too flimsy.
That seems like a pretty cool idea, I would think you would want to use some sort of card stock? Me thinks regular comp paper would be too flimsy.


Revvy said:
I printed it out on thick photopaper. All you need to do is cut them out, cut out the hole for the neck (or just make 2 slits at the cross) and fold it downward.

You could prolly even use color cardstock instead of photopaper if you wanted.

It worked great, I used a small piece of folded over scotch tape on the back of the labe, to stick it lightly to the label. It looked really good, I gave my boss a selection of them for Christmas, wrapping each of them in tissue paper. It made a nice presentation. And I think it kinda elevated the "gift" than if they were just labeleb normally.

Plus I was able to write a pretty lengthy description of one, including storing tips, how to pour properly and to return the bottle.

Oh one thing, if you are using swing top bottles, you will have to cut a slit from the circle to the top of the tag. The hole is not big enough to go over the mecahanism. And it my not go over caged corks (like chamaigne bottles) either without some fiddling.
Thanks for posting Revvy, those are great. I am usually a last-minute-Lucy with my beer-gifting, so having a template for creating a quick label is awesome for me! :mug:
I was busy at work yesterday and forgot to clear up about whther or not it was okat yo post them in this thread....SO thanks for taking the initiative.

ANd hosting it!

Not a problem, I'm glad to see more positive feedback on this- Great idea and thanks for the templates!
Dude, yer the effin man (again!)
Thanks for this awesome idea (and solution)!
LOL Isnt it ironic that -

A. SWMBO is a professional photographer.
B. Teaches photography at a HS here.
C. Recently bought 4 more cameras and other assorted equipment.
And I cant find a functional camera to take pictures (until she gets back)
Man, Ive had so damn many brewing n00b Kodak moments too. It sucks... Everything that everyone talks about here has seemed to happen to me in the short 2 brews I have accomplished. And of course I am surrounded by cameras - but none of them work (or I dont know how to operate them)
WTF? Im a damn IT weenie, if I was a hardcore junkie I would set up a webcam on my laptop and do that... Hmmmm... That gives me an idea - gonna dig thru the parts box :)

I gave my boss a selection of them for Christmas, wrapping each of them in tissue paper.

You don't mean the big guy ^ himself do you? ;)

I whipped this up last night while knocking back a few of these.I revised the instructions slightly. Really easy thanks to your template. Thanks man.A real time saver compared to labels. I bought a pack of 110 lb. card stock at OfficeMax today.It turned out great!

Well I pmned morotorium since he was hosting them for me, but he hasn't been on here for 4 months.

I will have to see if I still have the original MS files of my own....If so I'll have to find another site to link them on, or email them to people.

Are you sure '99 your blocker is working properly, and does anyone else show that when they attempt to do it?

I'll have t see if he writes me back, and/or if I still have the original.
I have the originals on this computer, if people want to pm me their email addy's I could send the MS word files via email, until I find a new free place to host the downloads from (anyone have a place to do them cleanly?)
Thanks again for the idea Revvy. I went a step further and made my own template on our Mac. Instead of using the slits, I bought a 1.5" punch at Michael's for $7. I also bought some 65lb cardstock to print them out on. I'm extremely happy with the results.


Well I got a response back from Morotorium;

MoRoToRiUm said:
...I have these shared on Windows Live Spaces in a public folder. As far as I can tell these are clean. The only reason I could see the other person having an issue is if they're using an older version of IE that has a malware virus that's automatically adding it, or if their policies are really strict and just flags it since it's a .doc document file.

So I'm betting the files are really ok, and it was HB_99's security settings or version of internet explorer.

Thanks again for the idea Revvy. I went a step further and made my own template on our Mac. Instead of using the slits, I bought a 1.5" punch at Michael's for $7. I also bought some 65lb cardstock to print them out on. I'm extremely happy with the results.



Can you email me your template for your Mac?
I went off this idea, and made a template in photoshop for 1 tag... which then I just replicate the group 2 times after I fill out the template and space them so I fit 3 on a page.

Here is the outcome :D (And my first brew!)

Here's a sample of what I'm starting with.

The turtle image is a comp image of some vector art I've been thinking about using in my labels as "Loggerhead Brew".
Below that is the "beer-centric" information. I pulled the copy from the Beer Advocate website.
The red copy is the information statement regarding bottle conditioned beer. I pulled the copy that RandalG posted (hope you don't mind, boss), and edited to suit my own taste.
There are 3 icons below that. One to show if the beer contains wheat or not. My father has Celiac and I'll be cooking up some gluten-free beers as I go along. The second is a lactose icon for the lactose intolerant. (milk stout...mmmmmm). You can see this one is slashed out. The circle & slash symbol can be quickly applied to the wheat icon as well.
The third is where I plan to fill in the calculated ABV for each batch.
Finally, a friendly reminder to return bottles to the brewers so we can keep making good beer at minimal cost.

Thanks for the ideas Revvy! and to every one that has posted suggestions and samples in this thread. I love this idea as a simple and creative way to label bottles without having to soak off adhesive each time they are re-used.

For those that are interested, this image was made using Illustrator and Indesign CS3. Elements such as the circle & slash are on individual layers so they can be turned on and off without hassle. I'm happy to share my icons or Illustrator/Indesign files if anyone wants them.

Overall I think it needs a bit of background to give it some depth and make it look all 'purdy. Maybe a parchment background or something. I'll work on that.
Just FYI, I used Door Hangers (google them), they come with a slit and a hole already perforated and are fairly cheap in you buy enough. even in the small packs, 150 hangers for around $12 bucks.
Hey Revvy, your bottletags are awesome, thanks for the templates!

Wanted to share my mod of your template concept. My homebrew club is a big group with plenty of new faces each month. Our meetings are primarily social with a large tasting table for all our homebrews. Since most of the beers brought are unlabeled aside from caps, once the caps come off it's easy to lose track of who brought what beer. I just wanted something simple that could be printed out each month, although I may want to do a run of these on card stock and get them laminated so we can write on them with grease pencils or dry erase markers and reuse.

bottletag template redux2-002.jpg
This is pretty good revy. I love the idea. Gonna try it out when I can. Thanks for the idea.
Just testing out a neck tag on a 22oz bottle, excuse the crap quality from my camera phone. Added the recipe (ingredients in % & IBUs, including OG, FG, ABV, SRM, total IBUs) on the bottle too - will include dates as well. The print is quite small but legible if you have decent eyesight. Would be nice to open a bottle up down the line and have the recipe sheet handy, right on the tag.
